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Thanks for organising Mike. Worth it just to see the water coming down the sales. Quite impressive really. Not sure about the extra walk to the pub, though. Good company as always with lots of laughs.

on 14/03/19 @ 21:55

Sales?? B****y predictive text. Should read dales

PKPeteK   on 14/03/19 @ 21:57

Thanks for this one Mike, good timing with the weather window for a fine day out with the mid-week walkers and wall to wall water!

R1R1chard   on 15/03/19 @ 9:28

Just glad the water was on the ground and not coming from the sky! lol

MTMiss T   on 15/03/19 @ 16:02

The pleasure was entirely mine - you were a self-leading group with very good humour as always, an excellent way to spend the day. For the next walk I'll work out a closer pub, promised

FcFlat cap (Mike)   on 16/03/19 @ 19:59

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