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Strange name to call Ridgewalker!!!

ToThe old goat  on 21/09/20 @ 7:14

What's better one star on no star?

Site Admin   on 21/09/20 @ 13:13

Wow mate
You’ve started something here
I input a pic and get one star!!!

ToThe old goat  on 23/09/20 @ 20:23

Let's take it easy, especially after Sigurd made a brief appearance and almost led some OD folk to self destruct.
It's an inclusive site and we must take into account that somebody may be visually impaired 😉

TOTrotOn   on 23/09/20 @ 22:22

I contribute to a football web site with a one star cowboy. The simple antidote is to give a 5 star to any posting where the cowboy strikes. We did this and the cowboy disappeared. They only run people down because of their inferiority complex and want to feel better than someone else.

LWLazlo Woodbine   on 24/09/20 @ 11:22

Lazlo Woodbine: Totally agree and I do admit to having balanced some of the ratings for a while.

TOTrotOn   on 24/09/20 @ 12:34

Does all this mean people can vote for their own photo's ?

PhPhiltheetiler   on 16/11/20 @ 10:49

Philtheetiler: I very rarely, if ever, vote on photos. I have just tried voting for the one of Crib Goch I posted on 04/11/20, which had no votes, and have successfully given it one star. I tried to vote for it a second time, but got the message 'You have already rated this item.'

M1M1960   on 16/11/20 @ 13:58

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