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Seam sealer, e.g. McNett Seamgrip

WOWalking On   on 12/09/17 @ 11:24

Tenacious Tape!

TCTC   on 12/09/17 @ 15:55

iansmyname.......orisitjohn?: you beat me to it !🙂

PhPhiltheetiler   on 12/09/17 @ 19:43

Tenacious Tape is much cheaper than a cheap tent. It is very tenacious... Don't know about Fabsil but it worked on my waterproof trousers.

TCTC   on 15/09/17 @ 10:15

also spinnaker repair tape MIGHT work. such as http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/PSP-Spinnaker-Repair-Tape-Sea-Green-50mm-x-4-5m-T1000SG-/292114887191?epid=870839344&hash=item4403677217:g:jGkAAOSw42dZFbCe

Depending on your sea, width you could experiment and cut the tape to 25mm width.

As mentioned earlier though you might have to make sure the Siliconised stuff you applied is removed first.. Not tried it so test it first maybe wash first then try Isopropanol.. But make sure it doesn't dissolve the waterproof coating or cause other damage... That is what I would try but at your own risk

on 15/09/17 @ 10:46

I guess the effort you go to will depend on how much of the tape needs attention on your tent and the value of your tent.

If it is a posh expensive one you could get in touch with the manufacturer...

Good luck... Oh one last thought, whenever I apply repair tapes or patches I always put a radius on the corners. it seems to help in them not peeling off. That applies to tenacious tape too.

trtrekkie  on 15/09/17 @ 10:47

Some good advice here. I did a field repair on my ultralite silnylon flysheet with tenacious tape after a carbon pole snapped on a still day. Cleaned with an antiseptic wipe first and rounded edges. lasted rest of trip. On return I contacted Manufacturer who replaced the pole section, the flysheet AND the tent!!!! I ended up with two expensive ultralight tents. Some brands really care about customer loyalty so its worth asking.

liliveit   on 15/09/17 @ 19:51

Thank you everyone for all the advice. I'd prefer to repair my tent rather than buy a new one, even though the tent in question wasn't expensive and is 18 years old - even if only for the sake of sentimentality and wanting to be as eco-friendly as possible i.e. not creating unnecessary waste (discarding my old tent) and demand on new resources (buying a new one). So I'm going to try Tenacious Tape in the first instance. I am concerned that the Fabsil I have already sprayed the seams with might prevent the Tenacious Tape from sticking. Should I try to remove or neutralise this with something first, I wonder??? Guess I'll try just sticking it on a small bit first, as an experiment...

on 18/09/17 @ 10:28

M3, I was confused at first why you were writing about youth hostels when the discussion was about tent repairs. But having read your second comment I understand that you are advocating youth hostels as an alternative to camping. I would agree with you as a generality - and have actually been a youth hosteller for 47 years (My parents took me on our first family YH holiday when I was 11 years old🙂 But camping is a great experience and there are times when it's the only suitable option too. Perhaps we should start a new thread on this subject!!!😀

kekeith2015   on 18/09/17 @ 10:42

Find a polyethelene bag. Look for the PE recycling logo. These are used widely for packaging of boxed items and are often clear.

PE melts at 120 degrees C, Nylon at 220 degrees.

Cut the PE into narrow strips and lay on your seem. Overlay with greese proof paper. If you want a strip of wood under the tent fabric can raise the seam so you don't heat the surrounding fabric.

Set your iron to the hottest temp, but turn off the steam.

Iron (melt) the PE strip. Experiment a little as you don't want to over do it. Allow to cool or spray with water then remove the greese proof paper.

on 18/09/17 @ 11:44

A glue gun and a old metal knife can be used to do something similar if you have one. Slide the gun tip along the seam depositing glue, then smooth with the knife into a thin layer.

I'm not sure how the silicon will affect things. Do a test first.

on 18/09/17 @ 11:46

You can get seam glue. It tends to dry brownish but works fine.

on 18/09/17 @ 11:50

Whoops - correction! - set your iron to "wool" temperature; thats at about 125 degrees C. If the PE shrivels rather than melts in a nice way turn it down a bit.

Site Admin   on 18/09/17 @ 12:09

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