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Ok.. Am interested will check it out for the other dates...yha always unpredictable on t Internet

StSteeev   on 02/12/15 @ 19:14

P.S. I'm now going abroad and out of internet contact for two weeks; I should be in Keswick from about 22 nd December onwards.

StStephen   on 03/12/15 @ 15:11

Sadly this offer might not be available now. The YHA has suffered some flooding. I don't know how bad though so you would be best to call to check if you are interested.

SpSpring   on 06/12/15 @ 16:17

extensive flooding in dining room, kitchen and reception, the hostel is closed until further notice. The walkway suffered badly, with all parts weakened and needing inspection, and the bit after the hostel partially washed away.

HeHedgehog   on 14/12/15 @ 16:47

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